總統賀電 恭賀林昊廷選手 榮獲世界錦標賽首金
本會選手 林昊廷
榮獲IWWF 國際滑水總會 第一面世界錦標賽(6星賽事)Veteran 金牌
並帶領本會選手陳禹璇、楊長峯分別榮獲U18 、Veteran 銀牌與銅牌。
Presidential Congratulations and Exciting News!
Congratulations to Head Coach Lin Hao-Ting(Team Taipei, SiSiHaHa Wake School)
For winning the gold medal in the Veteran category at the IWWF International Water Ski and Wakeboard Federation's first World Championship (6-star event).
also led our athletes, Riona Chen and Yang Changfeng, to win the U18 silver medal and the Veteran bronze medal, respectively."
This is an inspiring achievement and a source of pride for the wake sport community in Taiwan. We would like to extend our gratitude to the Presidential Office, the Sports Administration, the Chinese Taipei Water Skiing and Wakeboard Association, and the Taipei City Government for their assistance and support.
圖說1 : 總統賀電公文
圖說2 :快艇衝浪世界錦標賽-林昊廷選手-Vereran Men金牌
圖說3 :快艇衝浪世界錦標賽-頒獎時刻
圖說4 :快艇衝浪世界錦標賽-比賽過程
圖說5 : 由左起 選手林昊廷Veteran men組別 金牌 / 選手 陳禹璇Under 18 Women組別 銀牌 / 選手楊長峯 Veteran Men組別 銅牌
媒體聯絡人: 林思萱 0903658588 taipeiwwa@gmail.com